Active Listings at Ho'olei - Updated on March 20, 2024
Click on the green or blue areas of map or review the listing table below...
official map of hoolei condominiums Villa 99-6 Villa 99-3 Villa 24-1 Villa 31-5 Villa 93-4 Villa 93-1 Villa 69-6 Villa 17-1 Villa 17-4 Villa 21-1 Villa 63-2 Villa 39-2 Villa 17-6 Villa 63-1 Villa 93-6 Villa 57-4 Villa 39-6 Villa 31-2 Villa 112-6 Villa52-3 Villa 93-2 villa 55-5 villa 17-5 Villa 55-4 villa 24-3 Villa 75-4 Villa 52-6 Ho'olei villa 24-4 Villa 57-5 villa 69-3 villa 87-4 villa 87-5 Villa 75-5 Villa 75-1 Villa 23-3 villa 31-4 Villa 112-1 Villa 12-1 Villa 12-2 Villa 55-2 villa 81-6 Villa 17-3 villa 31-6 Villa 15-3 Villa 112-5 Villa 63-6 villa 87-3 villa 81-1 villa 12-3 villa 23-5 villa 23-2 villa 17-2 villa 99-4 villa 39-4 villa 21-2 villa 52-5 villa 21-5 villa 112-3 villa 75-3 Villa 23-1 Villa 112-4 villa 21-3 villa 24-6 hoolei villa 52-2 villa 99-5 villa 69-1 Villa 55-6 villa 12-6 villa 93-5 Villa 93-3 Villa 43-3 villa 21-4 villa 81-5 Villa 39-5 15-1 villa 12-4 villa 69-4 villa 52-1 villa 93-5 villa 52-5 Villa 12-1
Exclusively Listed with Dano Sayles
Villa Floor Plan Price Address Interior Included
63-2 Maile $6,500,000 63-2 Hoolei Cir 2,426 Furnished
52-1 Plumeria $6,500,000 52-1 Hoolei Cir 3,076 Furnished
69-3 Plumeria $6,195,000 69-3 Makakehau St 2,619 Furnished
69-4 Plumeria $5,950,000 69-4 Makakehau St 2,619 Furnished

Disclaimer: This information is believed to be accurate but should not be relied upon without independent verification. You should conduct your own investigation and consult with appropriate professionals to determine the accuracy of the information provided and to answer any questions concerning the property and structures located thereon. Featured properties may or may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure.